WIRED Women in Trades

WIRED Women In Trades

Program Overview

WIRED Women in Trades is an empowering initiative by the Western JETS (Western Joint Electrical Training Society) aimed at promoting gender diversity and inclusion within the skilled trades industry. This comprehensive program is designed to support and inspire women to pursue careers in trades such as electrical work, plumbing, carpentry, and more. By providing education, mentorship, and hands-on training, WIRED Women in Trades strives to break down barriers and create opportunities for women to excel in traditionally male-dominated fields.

Program Components

  1. Education and Training
    • Workshops and Seminars: Regularly scheduled workshops covering essential skills, safety protocols, and industry knowledge.
    • Certification Courses: Access to accredited courses that provide the necessary certifications and qualifications for various trades.
    • Online Learning Portal: A dedicated online platform offering resources, tutorials, and e-learning modules.

  2. Mentorship and Networking
    • Mentorship Program: Pairing participants with experienced tradeswomen who provide guidance, support, and industry insights.
    • Networking Events: Opportunities to connect with industry professionals, employers, and fellow participants to build a strong support network.

  3. Hands-On Experience
    • Apprenticeship Placements: Facilitating placements with reputable companies to gain practical, on-the-job experience.
    • Skill-Building Projects: Real-world projects designed to develop and hone technical skills in a supportive environment.

  4. Support Services
    • Career Counseling: Personalized career advice to help participants navigate their career paths and achieve their goals.
    • Financial Assistance: Scholarships and grants available to help cover the costs of training and certification.
    • Community Support: Access to a supportive community of women in trades, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

Program Goals

  • Increase Participation: Encourage more women to consider and enter the trades industry.
  • Enhance Skills: Provide high-quality training and education to equip women with the skills needed for success.
  • Foster Diversity: Promote a diverse and inclusive workforce within the trades industry.
  • Create Opportunities: Open doors to rewarding careers and advancement opportunities for women in trades.


Join us in shaping a more diverse and inclusive future in the trades industry with WIRED Women in Trades!

Interested individuals can apply for the WIRED Women in Trades program through the Western JETS website. The application process includes an online form, an interview, and an assessment to identify the best pathway for each participant.

For more information, please visit our website or contact the WIRED Women in Trades program coordinator at emilie@wjets.ca.