Mental Health & Substance Use Support



Contact CIRP to get started.


1 in 3 of us struggle with problematic substance use

55% of employed people who died from overdose were employed in the trades and transport industries

Struggling? Make a plan. Call Construction Rehabilitation Plan today to get a 45 minute call with a clinical team member within 48 hours.

100% Free and Confidential

Individual or family counselling through the Construction Industry Rehabilitation Plan (CIRP), available virtually or in-person.

SMART Recovery Peer Support Groups, MHSU Prevention and Resiliency Training, Mental Health Champions Training, Mentorship Training, and more.

For Indigenous members, we can provide referrals to Transformations Cultural Wellness and Rehabilitation Retreats or other culturally specific programming in community.

Green Energy Upgrade Training will be available through Green Health soon, to ensure members prioritizing their mental health and substance use treatment today aren’t left behind in their apprenticeships tomorrow.

Our office in Langford is NOW OPEN, expanding in-person appointments to members on Vancouver Island!

We know substance use and mental health impacts all of us, and we see it in our industry. Green Health offers apprentices and Red Seal certified workers in BC Building Trades Unions mental health and substance use support services completely free of charge, to help our workers’ well-being and to keep our industry healthy and ready for green energy expansion.

Questions about Green Health?

Email or call Cassidy, our Green Health Program Coordinator