CEC 2021 Adoption and Update Courses to Come

With the adoption of the CEC 2021 on August 11th, the amendment to the Electrical Safety Regulation comes into effect on October 1, 2021.
WJETS has again been accredited by Technical Safety BC to provide Code Update Training for FSRs and Red Seal Electricians. Just posted on the WJETS Website are two new course offerings:
Saturday, September 17th 9 AM-5 PM; and
Tuesday, September 27th -Wednesday, September 28th (two nights) 5-9:30 PM
As this is a code update course (not full FSR), priority registration will be given to FSRs with the continuing education requirement. Any open seats may be occupied by RSEs. Apprentices are advised they will likely be bumped if at capacity.
Sign up early to avoid disappointment!