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Fiber Optic (Terrace)
Local 993Wed Aug 25, 2021 to Thu Aug 26, 2021
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Class Size – Min: 5, Max: 10
Terrace Center of Excellence (Terrace)
Certified Fiber Optic Technician – is the FOA certification for general fiber optics applications. CFOTs have appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities in fiber optics that can be applied to almost any job – design, installation, operation – for almost any application – outside plant, premises, manufacturing, etc.
Course Objectives
To explain and/or demonstrate the following:
- Types of Fiber and Cables
- Fiber and Cable construction best practices
- Information Transmission
- Light Propagation through Fiber
- Singlemode and multimode applications
- Types of patch cords and connectors
- Numerical Aperture
- Attenuation
- Bandwidth
- Joining Fibers with Connectors & Splices
- Cleaving and proper fiber handling and preparation
- Fiber Microscopic Inspection
- Types of Connectors and Splices
- Fiber Optic Test Equipment
- Types of applications for fiber optics
NOTE: This is a BLENDED course with both online and face-to-face course work. There is approximately 20h of online pre-work/reading required to attend this three (3) day course with the final day being the exam.
Instructor Tips:
- GO TO EACH Lesson link below, read the FOA online reference, and take the online quiz and watch the FOA videos, including optional videos.
- Print-out your quizzes as this will be a great review for you for the certification test.
- The fellow who narrates the videos talks really slow, so playing it at 125% or 150% speed might be something you will want to consider.
- Please expect to spend at least 20 hours on these lessons.
The following lessons must be completed prior to the course dates.
Online lessons: Read and watch the materials linked on each lesson plan and take the quiz.
- Lesson 1: Introduction, Overview, Standards, Safety
- Lesson 2: Fiber Optic Jargon – The Language of Fiber Optics
- Lesson 3: Fiber Optic Communications
- Lesson 4: Fiber Optic Transmission Systems and Components
- Lesson 5: Optical Fiber
- Lesson 6: Fiber Optic Cables
- Lesson 7: Termination and Splicing
- Lesson 8: Fiber Optic Testing
- Lesson 9: Fiber Optic Network Design
- Lesson 10: Fiber Optic Network Installation
At the end of lesson 10 the option is given to for a certificate of completion for $20. DON’T do it. This is the CFOT course, at the end everyone will write the CFOT exam which is part of this course.
As this course is a blended format, a vast majority of the concepts are expected to be completed online prior to your arrival. Please make sure you have written and passed all the quizzes.
- Safety Boots
- Safety Glasses
- Gloves
- Long Sleeve Shirt
- Pen and Paper
- Member must adhere to Covid Protocols as prescribed by IBEW 993, WCB and the Instructor. Certification test will be given on the 29th of August, 2021.