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Financial Wellness 101 (food and refreshments will be served to members who attend this course.) (Kamloops)
Local 993Tue Feb 13, 2018
1:00 pm
Class Size – Min: 10, Max: 20
IBEW Local 993 Hall (Kamloops)
Financial Wellness 101
• A course designed specifically for IBEW members to offer the necessary tools with which to build a comprehensive financial plan.
• The goal in introducing this course into the apprenticeship program is to not only help members understand what benefits they have offered to them through their union, but to also dig deeper into the more complex aspects of how money impacts our lives on a daily basis.
• Learn how to align your finances to your specific goals so that you can enjoy the now whilst simultaneously setting yourself up for success in the future.
• By the end of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of exactly what is available to you in terms of tangible financial strategies so that you feel confident creating a game plan that best suits YOUR personal situation.
• From group benefits and long term savings to life insurance and monthly budgeting, this course is packed with practical solutions to all of your financial planning needs.
We will be serving food and refreshments to members who attend this course.
- Pen and Paper
Location: IBEW Local 993 Hall
The IBEW Local 993 Hall has a large fenced yard around the back of the building.