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Local 993Tue Nov 1, 2016 to Wed Nov 2, 2016
Class Size – Min: 10, Max:
IBEW Local 993 Hall (Kamloops)
The Front Line Leadership level 1 is designed to create a solid foundation for all members of IBEW local 993 to operate effectively as a team on the job and how to properly engage the IBEW Steward if required. We have designed a system that will allow us to communicate with deeper level of understanding and consistency regardless of crew composition or job site locations. The ideology of What-How-Can’t – or Won’t will create ownership, accountability, and a better understanding for our leaders and members to understand the responsibilities and expectations of their positions. Members will also learn how to properly engage in the progressive discipline process. The progressive discipline process allows our members to have a voice that will be heard and ensure any issues are effectively documented if communication breaks down at the front line level for any reason. This course is a must if you want to be a part of the growth and future success of our great organization.
Location: IBEW Local 993 Hall
The IBEW Local 993 Hall has a large fenced yard around the back of the building.