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Interprovincial Test Prep Course (The Internet)
Local 993Mon Feb 14, 2022 to Sat Feb 26, 2022
6 pm to 8 pm
Signup Deadline: Fri Feb 11, 2022 8:00 am
Class Size – Min: 5, Max: 8
GoToTraining (The Internet)
Interprovincial Test Prep
Interprovincial Test Prep
Feb 14/26 2022 |
Instructor Lead |
Method , Lecture and Discussion |
Credit Hours: 14 |
This course of a review of all four years apprenticeship training, also a series of practice test that both refresh your knowledge in the electrical trade and introduce new techniques in successful test writing.
14 hours online interactive with the instructor from 6pm to 8pm , 2 hours a night every second day. 2 hours or more of homework on off days. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, week Number one. Tuesday Thursday Saturday week Number two. Times may vary based on students’ schedules all sessions will be recorded.
About inter provincial preparation course
- Introduction into the Canadian electrical code
- Definitions and Descriptions
- Current calculations
Construction electrician review
- Common occupational skills
- Power and distribution and generating systems
- Installation of electrical equipment
- Emergency and standby systems
- Communication systems
- Process control systems
- Building an environmental control systems
Upon successful completion of this online course, a certificate of completion will be Emailed to student to download and print.
- Pen and Paper
- Member will need a current code book. Member must have access to a computer and internet connection. Member will receive log in information prior to course.
Location: GoToTraining
This course will be presented using the GoToTraining software. You will need a computer with a high speed internet connection and the ability to install the free GoToTraining software.
When you have been accepted into the course, you will be given a link to download the training software.